Saturday, April 16, 2005

B. A. I Annual Paper Solutions

B. A. I, History of India upto 1200 A. D.
Annual Examination,
Held on April 15, 2005, in Morning Session
Conducted by Punjab University, Chandigarh

Solutions to Question X
Attempt any ten of the following question in one or two lines:

1. Give the names of four passes in the North-Western Himalayas.
Ans. The important passes in the Western ranges of Himalayas are Khyber, Khurram, Tochi and Gomal.
2. How did the word Hindu originate?
Ans. The word "Hindu" is a corrupted form of the word "Sindh". The Iranians pronounced the syllable "S" as "H". Therefore, they pronounced Sindhu as Hindu.
3. Write the names of any two scholars associated with the excavation of Indus Valley Civilization.
Ans. Dayaram Sahini, R. D. Banerjee, Sir John Marshal and M. S. Vats were the four scientists who had contributed to the archeological excavation on the sites of Mohan-jo-Daro and Harappa.
4. Write the names of four Vedas. Which of them is the oldest.
Ans. The four Vedas are Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. The oldest Veda is the Rig Veda.
5. Write the names of the women scholars of the Later Vedic Age.
Ans. Gargi and Matrai were two most popular women scholars of Vedic period of Later Vedic Age.
6. Give the names of any two rulers of North-West on the eve of Alexander’s Invasion.
Ans. Ambhi of Taxila and Porus of Chajja Doab (region between Jhelum and Chenab.
7. Write any two causes of the defeat of Porus.
Ans. Porus suffered due to surprise attack of Alexander at the battle of Kari which proved that Alexander was a better commander and strategist than Porus.
Porus army suffered due to rain at battle Kari whereas Alexander’s archer succeeded in breaking the vanguard of Porus.
8. Write the names of the son and daughter of Asoka, who went to Sri Lanka for the propagation of Buddhism.
Ans. Ashoka sent his son Mahendra and daughter Sanghamitra to Lanka to spread the message of Buddhism.
9. Of the Mauryan rulers, who won the Battle of Kalinga and when?
Ans. Ashoka won the Battle of Kalinga. He won it in ninth year of his reign in year 261-62 B.C.
10. Who reported to have been the court physician of Kanishka?
Ans. Charaka, the famous of Ayurvedic literature titled Charak Sahimta was the court physician of Kanishka.
11. Give the names of the parents of Samudragupta.
Ans. Chandragupta I was the father of Samudragupta. Kumar Devi (from Lichchavi clan) was the mother of Samudragupta.
12. Who was Fa-Hien? Name the king about whose reign he has written.
Ans. Fa-Hien was the Chinese traveller. He wrote about the reign of Chandragupta II Vikramaditya. However, he had not mentioned the name of the Gupta ruler.
13. Who was the author of Panchtantra?
Ans. Vaishnusarman was the author of Panchtantra. It was written during Gupta period.
14. With which matrimonial alliance Chandra Gupta II increased his power?
Ans. Chandra Gupta II married himself in Nagas. He married his daughter to Vakatakas. Both these matrimonial allainces helped to increase his power.
15. Who was Aryabhatta?
Ans. Aryabhatta was mathematician and astronomer of Gupta period. He wrote Aryabhatiyam in 499 A. D.
16. Who was the author of Ashtang-Sangrah?
Ans. Ashtang-Sangrah was written by Vagbhata I during the Gupta period. It was a commentatry on the works of Charaka and Susruta.
17. Mention any two theories regarding the origin of Rajputs?
Ans. Surya Vanshi origin and Chandra Vanshi origin theory as supported by Ved , Vyas and Ojha are more popular. However, the most accepted theory is V. A. Smith according to which they originated from mixing of Indian and foreign tribes.
18.Who was the founder of the temple of Rajrajeshwar at Tanjore?
Ans. Raj Raj Chola 985-1014 was the builder of Rajrajeshwar temple at Tanjore.
19. Give the period of reign of Rajendra Chola I.
Ans. The period of reign of Rajendra Chola I was from 1014 A. D. to 1044 A. D.
20. Give names of any two prominent rulers of Pallava?
Ans: Mahendravarman I and Narshimhavarman I were the two prominent rulers of Pallava.

Recommended Sources:
Ancient India by R. K. Khanna, A. K. Bhardwaj and Sumir Sharma.
Ancient Indian History and Civilization by S. N. Sen.

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