Sunday, May 08, 2005

PU Chandigarh Annual paper April 2005 B. A. I (B)

B. A./ B. Sc. (General) Ist Year
Paper – B
History of India C – 1200 – 1750 A. D.

Time allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 100

Note: (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) An outline map of India is enclosed.
(iv) Before the start of the paper, detach the map from the question paper and stitch it inside the answer book before the last sheet.

I. What did Ghiyas-ud-din Balban do for the consolidation of Delhi Sultanate? 20

II. Describe the Deccan campaigns of Ala-ud-din Khilji. What were the motives of these campaigns? 20

III. Critically examine the land revue system of Sher Shah Suri. Write its defects also. 20

IV. Give an account of the Rajput Policy of Akbar. What was its significance? 20

V. Describe the main features of administration of Vijay Nagar kingdom. 20

VI. What was the role of Nur Jahan in the Mughal Administration during the period of Jahangir? 20

VII. Discuss in detail the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev. 20

VIII on the outline map of India show the expansion of empire of Ala-ud-din Khili. Add explanatory note on it also.


On the outline map of India show the following places and write a short note on each:
Mathura, Panipat, Luchknow, Bijapur. 12, 8
IX Answer any for questions out fo the following in paragraph of about 100 words each:
(1) What was the impact of change of capital by Muhammad Tughlaq? 5
(2) First battle of Panipat. 5
(3) Mansabdari system. 5
(4) Achievements of Krishna Dev Rai 5
(5) Chauth and Sardesh Mukhi Taxes 5
(6) Principles of Sufism. 5
(7) Achievements of Balaji Vishwanath. 5
(8) Battle of Khidrana 5

X. Answer any ten of the following in one or two lines each:
(1) When were the first and second battles of Tarain fought? 2
(2) Name the policy adopted by Balban to suppress his enemies. 2
(3) Name the foreign traveller who came to India during the time of Muhammad Tughlaq. 2
(4) Name two new towns founded by Feroze Tughlaq. 2
(5) Name the founder of Vijay Nagar Empire. 2
(6) Mention the name of the autobiography of Babar. In which language was it written? 2
(7) Importance of the battle of Kannau in the life of Sher Shah. 2
(8) Name the Rajput king who did not accept the Sovereignty of Akbar. 2
(9) Name the two Jat leaders who revolted against Aurangzeb. 2
(10) When and were Shivaji coronated? 2
(11) Name the two Saints of Bhakti Movement. 2
(12) Name the capital city constructed by Akbar. 2
(13) In whose memory was Taj Mahal built? 2
(14) Name the Mughal ruler who loved paintings. 2
(15) How Khidrana came to be known as Muktsara? 2
(16) What do you mean by Bandai Khalsa? 2
(17) Name the successor of Shivaji. 2
(18) Who was Abul-Fazal? Name his famous work. 2
(19) Mention the names of two Maratha Peshwas of 19th century. 2
(20) When was the Third battle of Panipat fought? 2

General Observation:

This question can not be called a balanced question paper.

Firstly, question no VII (Discuss in detail the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev.) does not belong to this paper. If the argument is that the question belongs to the time period of the paper, then it is a mere argument but no justification.

Secondly, there are two many very very short answers in question no X which belongs to period 1700 to 1750 and only to the region of Punjab. There are two topics related to this period in the syllabus. One is the regional revolts against Aurangzeb and continuation of Sikh struggle along with other regional struggle for political control in Topic X of syllabus. Other regions specified in the syllabus have not received any attention. There is only one question of 2 marks about the Jat revolt against Aurangzeb.

This is a political history paper. There is no reference to social and cultural aspects. But the paper setter has not given importance to this aspect.

Thirdly, the framing of question is not up to the mark. Consider the following question:

Importance of the battle of Kannau in the life of Sher Shah. 2

There is a separate topic on Shivaji but as the selection of question is not made while keeping in mind the changes in the latest paper, the paper setter has not been able to do justification.

In biased and unbalanced distribution of questions over the syllabus become more discernable when we find that Paper was highly balanced.

Similar type of shortcoming is observed in Paper A of B. A. III in which some questions are totally out of syllabus. The paper setter has not studied the new changes brought in the latest syllabus in that paper also. He has asked about the opium wars where as that topic has been removed from the syllabus this year.

PU Chandigarh Annual paper April 2005 B. A. III (B)

B. A./ B. Sc. (General) 3rd Year
Paper – B
War and Peace in the Modern World.

Time allowed: Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 100
Note: (i) Attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) An outline map of India is enclosed.
(iv) Before the start of the paper, detach the map from the question paper and stitch it inside the answer book before the last sheet.

I. Give an account of the partition of Africa among the European powers. 20

II. Write in detail the causes of the First World War 1914. 20

III. Discuss the causes and effects of the Chinese revolution of 1911.

IV. What was Fascism? Discuss the principles and factors responsible for the rise of Fascism in Italy. 20

V. Discuss the Home and Foreign policy of Hitler. 10, 10

VI. Discuss the achievement and shortcoming of the United Nation Organisation. 20

VII. What do you know about the mdoernisation of Turkey under Kamal Pasha? 20

VIII. On thte outline map of Europe show the condition of Europe on the eve of World War II. Add explanatory note also.


On the outline map of World show the following places and write explanatory note on each.
(i) Geneva
(ii) Washington
(iii) Peking
(iv) Tokyo 12,8

IX. Answer any four question of about 100 words each:
(i) Write any four causes of Anglo-French Entenete, 1904.
(ii) Rise of Chiang Kai Sheik in China.
(iii) Write about the downfall of Mussolini.
(iv) Difficulties of Weimer Republic.
(v) Write any five result of IInd World War.
(vi) Write about Marshall Plan.
(vii) Suez crisis in Egypt.
(viii) European Imperial rivalry over Turkey. 5x4= 20

X. Answer any ten questions in one or two lines:
(i) Which two continents were effected with the advent of New Imperialism?
(ii) Write the names of three persons who discovered Africa.
(iii) When Anglo-Russian alliance came into being?
(iv) Who was Rasputin?
(v) Who was the leader of Bolshevik Revolution? When did he become the Prime Minister of Russia?
(vi) Who was made the secretary of military academy of China?
(vii) Who was founder of the Red Army?
(viii) Who do you mean by Meiji Restoration?
(ix) When was the Bank of Japan established?
(x) When did the Great Economic Depression start and for how many years it existed?
(xi) Which paper was edited by Mussolini?
(xii) Name the ruler when Fascism started in Italy?
(xiii) When and by whom Nazi Party was established?
(xiv) When did Hitler become the Chancellor of Germany?
(xv) Who are the permanent members of Security Council in U.N.O?
(xvi) Was U. S. A. Member of League of Nations?
(xvii) What was Munro doctrine?
(xviii) Give the period when Mustafa Kamal Pasha ruled Turkey.
(xix) Who presided over the Berlin Congress in 1878 and what did he get out of it?
(xx) When did the treaty of Versailles take place?

A General Observation:

It is claimed on the basis of experience that the next year that is in 2006, a similar type of question paper will be placed. There will be no long question on Great Depression.

There will definitely be a question of on World War even if it is made part of topics in which some other questions can be asked.

The question papers which appeared from 1994 to 1999 had the similar set of questions.

It is a guess work for 2006:

Collect the question papers of 1994 to 1999. You will get a bank of question papers which will be repeated.

Such a bank will soon appear on this blog and on a related blog which will be created at the beginning of the next seesion that is July 2005.

So Watch out for that blog

Saturday, May 07, 2005

PU Chandigarh Annual Paper A, BA II, April 2005

B. A. / B. Sc. (General) 2nd year
Paper – A
History of India (1750 – 1964)
Time allowed: Three hours
Maximum marks : 100

Notes: (i) attempt any five questions.
(ii) All questions carry equal marks.
(iii) Outline map of India is attached herewith
(iv) Before the start of the paper, detach the map from the question paper and stitch it inside the answer-book before the last sheet.

I. Examine the administrative, judicial, educational and social reforms of William Bentick. 20

II. Describe the political and socio-religious causes of the uprising of 1857. 20

III. Outline the main economic changes which took place in India under the British Rule.

IV. Describe origin and achievements of the Arya Samaj.

V. Discuss programme and policies of Indian national Congress up to 1919. 20

VI. Write in brief, role of Mahatma Gandhi in the freedom struggle. 20

VII. Give an account of the contribution of B. R. Ambedkar for the uplift of the depressed classes. 20

VIII. On the outline map of India show the following places of importance. Also add an explanatory note:
Madras, Plassey, Lahore, Jhansi

On the outline map of India how ‘Centers of the Great Uprising of 1857’. Write notes also. 12, 8

IX. Answer any four of the following in a paragraph of about 100 words each:
(i) Significance of Battle of Buxar.
(ii) Doctrine of Lapse.
(iii) Ramakrishan Mission.
(iv) Revolutionary Movement in Punjab.
(v) Contribution of Jotiba Phule in Depressed Class Movement.
(vi) Communal Politics.
(vii) Making of the Constitution.
(viii) Agriculture Development after Independence. 4x5=20

X. Attempt any ten questions out of the following in one or two lines each:
(i) Write two results of Battle of Plassey.
(ii) Name two demerits of Dual System in Bengal.
(iii) When and by whom Permanent Settlement was started?
(iv) Write the names of four states annexed by Policy of Lapse.
(v) Write two military causes of 1857 uprising.
(vi) When and where Brahmo Samaj was established?
(vii) Write two demerits of Cemmercialisation of Agriculture.
(viii) What established Aligarh Movement?
(ix) Who is author of Anandmath? Mention its famous song.
(x) Which Newspaper were pblished by Bal Ganghadhr Tilak?
(xi) Write two reasons of political awakening in India.
(xii) Name two leaders of Swaraj Party.
(xiii) When and between whom the Lucknow Pact was signed?
(xiv) Write two objectives of Muslim League.
(xv) Name the society founded by Jotiba Phule.
(xvi) When and where did the Muslim League pass the resolution of Pakistan?
(xvii) When and between whom ‘Poona Pact’ was signed?
(xviii) Name two Khilafat leaders.
(xix) Name members of Cabinet Mission.
(xx) Who worked for the integration of Princely States? 10x2=20